Spy Note Android Malware Analysis
This blog post uncovers a detailed analysis of Spy Note Android Malware.
Deep diving into the native world of Android RASP
A beginner guide of how Android RASPs can be detected and bypassed.
ASC - Wargames 2022 Filtration Phase
This is my writeup and walkthrough for crypto challenges in ASC wargames 2022 gualification round
AnDetect Graduation Project
Next-Generation Malware Detection System in Android OS Using Static Analysis Data.
ASC - Wargames Finals 2021
This is not only a writeup for the crypto challenges in the wargames final competition, but also an introduction to the future of cryptography.
ASC - Wargames Finals 2020
This is my writeup and walkthrough for all the crypto challenges from the final competition
ASC - Wargames 2020 Filtration Phase
This is my writeup and walkthrough for the Challenge2 crypto from the competition
Hack The Box - Obscurity
This is my writeup and walkthrough for Obscurity from Hack The Box.
Hack The Box - OpenAdmin
This is my writeup and walkthrough for OpenAdmin from Hack The Box.
This is some of my writeups for WPICTF 2020.
AUCTF 2020
This is some of my writeups for AUCTF 2020.
Hack The Box - Postman
This is my writeup and walkthrough for Postman from Hack The Box.