AUCTF 2020

This is some of my writeups for AUCTF 2020.

April 6, 2020 - 8 minute read -
Security AUCTF CTF hashcat john cracking passwords Infosec Linux Wireshark Python Shell Hacking


I participated in AUCTF 2020 with my team P1rates and I was able to solve some cool challenges with them. This is my writeup about some challenges I managed to solve during the competition.


1. Block2

The challenge want to get the time when the player of Mine Craft rolled back and give us co_block.sql file with data inside it. I looked into the file and I saw rolled_back column if it is 1 it rolled back otherwise 0. So, I wrote python script to get the flag.

#!/usr/bin/env python
with open('co_block.sql', 'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        line = line.strip().split('\t')
        line  = [v.strip(',') for v in line]
            if line[3] == '1':
                print 'auctf{' + line[1] + '}'

There is another solution to this challenge and that is:

  1. Start your MySQL server service mysql start and create a new database.
  2. Import the given file into the database mysql -u root -p auctf < co_block.sql.
  3. After that you can select what you need from the database.
root@kali:~# mysql -u root -p auctf -e "SELECT time FROM co_block WHERE rolled_back = 1;"
Enter password: 
| time       |
| 1581060905 |

The Flag: auctf{1581060905}

2. Animal Crossing

This challenge gave us a pcapng file with a lot of dns traffic after open it with strings I saw some weird values sended by DNS traffic.

root@kali:~# strings animalcrossing.pcapng | less

After I extrqacted the distinct values and put them into a file it looks like base64 values and after decoding it contains the flag.

The Flag: auctf{it_was_star_wars_all_along}

3. Boom

The challnege give me boom.sql.gz file I tried different approaches to solve this challenge and extract the hidden file but nothing worked but this one that I’m going to explain:

  1. Run MySQL server to create a new database called auctf.
  2. Import boom.sql file into the created database.
  3. Export the hidden archive file into a new one using some SQL command.


  1. Start MySQL server service mysql start.
  2. Dump the given file into the database mysql -u root -p auctf < boom.sql.
  3. Export the archive with the following mysql -u root -p auctf -e "SELECT image INTO DUMPFILE '/tmp/flag.7z' FROM images;"

After extracting the archive I got a PNG image, I ran stegsolve to see any hidden data, and I got the flag at XOR channel.


The Flag: auctf{B00M_!!}

4. Fahrenheit 451

This challenge also gave us pcapng file I run strings on it but nothing usefull. I ran binwalk I saw PDF file at offset 0x25326 and tried to extract it it was corrupted.

root@kali:~# binwalk f451.pcapng 

152358        0x25326         PDF document, version: "1.5"

So, I decided to open wireshark to get the actual file, I saw some SMB traffic and it might be the file is transfered with this protocol. I exported the objects with File -> Export Objects -> SMB I got the PDF.


I struglled a lot with this file to see how I can do with it and I assumed that maybe there is some hidden texts inside the PDF I opened it and press CTR + A to select all text and I saw some hidden weird value at page 7.


It looks like garbage, but he given a word Substitute as a hint in the challenge description 2F4E7L3FC?0E9603@@<DPP`PN so I opened ascii table and observe the values with auctf{. He just subtracted the actual flag with 47, so I wrote some lines of code to get the actual flag.

#!/usr/bin/env python
cipher = '2F4E7L3FC?0E9603@@<DPP`PN'
flag = ''
for c in cipher:
    flag += chr(ord(c) + 47)

It gave me part of the flag and the last 4 bytes are also garbage auctf{burn_the_books\x7f\x7f\x8f\x7f}. But after analysing the last four bytes he just added it with 47 :grinning:

P -> ! and  ` -> 1

The Flag: auctf{burn_the_books!!1!}

5. Oops

This challenge was a little easy for me it gave us a virtual hard disk debmini.vhdx. I tried to mount it, but it is corrupted, so let’s run binwalk to see any files or hidden data and extract any thing inside that disk.

root@kali:~# binwalk debmini.vhdx -e -D='.*'

4194304       0x400000        ISO 9660 Primary Volume,

After extraction I got some system files inside iso-root folder I examine the folders but nothing useful, so I ran strings * | grep -oE "auctf{.*}" and grep for any flag format and I found it.

The Flag: auctf{pls_dont_delete_me}

Password Cracking

Note: The process of cracking may take a long time to get the password depends on the wordlist you use and your machine hardware.

1. Big Mac

The challenge gave us the salt thisisasecret and the hash 5ee9fafd697e40593d66bef8427d40f8beca6921 and after analysing the hash it is SHA1, but the challenge called Big MAC. So, the goal here is to find the correct MAC type and put the hash with the salt in the correct format to use hashcat.

The hash type is HMAC-SHA1 and the format might look like:


Now, after I ran the hashcat it gave me the correct password:

root@kali:~# hashcat -a 0 -m 160 big_mac.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt  --show

The Flag: scarface

2. Zippy

This challenge gave us file and it contains 6 other zip file that are protected by some passwords, so the goal is to extract the hashs for every one and crack it with our friend john.

root@kali:~# zip2john > hash1
root@kali:~# john -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash1
root@kali:~# john --show hash1
1 password hash cracked, 0 left

After cracking the first pass I repeat the above process to extract the hashes and crack the other passwords:


Now, we extract all files and got the flag.txt file. The Flag: y0ud1d17#15789

3. Manager

The challenge gave us keepass manager.kdbx file and told us the password is all digits, so the goal is to get the password hash, create a wordlist, crack it, and get the flag inside that file. I used my friend john to extract the hash and format it to using hashcat.

root@kali:~# keepass2john manager.kdbx | cut -d ":" -f2 > hash
root@kali:~# crunch 3 7 0123456789 > numbers.lst
Crunch will now generate the following amount of data: 87654000 bytes
83 MB
0 GB
0 TB
0 PB
Crunch will now generate the following number of lines: 11111000

Now, I ran the following process on my actual host in order to make hashcat faster, take advantage of my hardware and utilize my GPU to crack the password. And within 3-5 minutes it cracked the password.

Note: The following command causes screen to lag and you have to run it and let the machine finish its work.

root@kali:~# hashcat -a 0 -w 3 -m 13400 hash numbers.lst --show

After open the file and give it the password 157865 it contains.

The Flag: y0u4r34r34lh4ck3rn0w#!$1678


1. API madness

This challenge was frustrating to my friends and I looked at it in a different way. I’ll explain my way of thinking in simple words because the challenge is no longer available.


  1. When I go to the URL I got some info about the site and gave me /static/help route to look.
  2. After I look what it says there are some endpoints to make POST requests. /api/login to login with username and password , /api/ftp/get_file to get a file from the server, and /api/ftp/dir to get a directory.
  3. I tried to make POST request using Postman to login with username and password it gave me 400 bad request, so I assumed it accepts data as JSON format {"username":"username","password":"password"}.
  4. I send the request and It took about 2-3 minutes to finish, so I hold on and after returninig it gave me an error page.
  5. I looked at the errors and I saw a stack trace error in the bottom of the page and the error happened because of some hidden endpoint /api/login_check to check for the token field in the request body.
  6. Now, I assumed that endpoint is check for the correct username and password and if it’s correct it returns the token.
  7. I tried the above credintials and it worked and gave me the token.
  8. Now, I have the token and I know there is /api/ftp/get_file endpoint to get a file from the server, so I send the request with following body to get the flag file {"file":"flag.txt","token": "bc842c31a9e54efe320d30d948be61291f3ceee4766e36ab25fa65243cd76e0e"}.
  9. It returned with the base64 text YXVjdGZ7MHdAc3BfNnJvSzNOX0B1dGh9Cg== and after decode it gives me the flag.

Note: The /console page is just a distraction nothing to do with it. :grinning:

The Flag: auctf{0w@sp_6roK3N_@uth}

I’ll update the remaining challenges soon!